润滑油的可持续性: Bridging Performance with Environmental Responsibility

可持续性 in lubricants spans from raw material selection to responsible end-of-life management, with energy efficiency during use playing a pivotal role in avoiding e任务s. 在驾驭生命周期评估(LCA)的复杂性时, 我们关注的是“内在”方面, 比如原材料选择的影响, 以及“外在”因素, such as sustainability contributions from the lubricant’s performance in use, 这样可以减少排放.

Advocates for sustainable and circular value chains state that the design and choice of materials stand out as the main tools for impacting both intrinsic and extrinsic sustainability aspects. 十大正规网堵平台设计, 对高达80%的环境影响负责, and sustainable procurement drive the demand for more sustainable products. 在柏斯托,我们的承诺是双重的,强调:

  • 多元醇酯化学: Innovating lubricant formulations to achieve high environmental and performance standards, 减少添加剂的使用,提高生物降解性.
  • 原材料采购: Minimizing reliance on virgin fossil resources and reducing the carbon footprint from cradle-to-gate by choosing renewable and recycled materials.  


Synthetic esters (Group V) are at the forefront of advancements in the industry. They are well-regarded for their outstanding performance and heat resistance, making them the go-to for cutting-edge applications like electric vehicles (EVs) and immersion cooling 侦探hnologies. Their rise in popularity is due to their impressive ability to be purpose engineered to deliver top performance in heat-transfer, 以及低温和高温性能. 

The science behind synthetic esters allows us to fine-tune lubricant properties to meet both high-performance demands and environmental standards. This means we can engineer most of a lubricant’s base oil characteristics using polyol ester chemistry, 大大减少了对额外化学品的需求, 比如添加剂. 这种精度扩展到使润滑油易于生物降解. While the ease of breaking down usually depends on how thick the lubricant is, 多元醇酯, 我们可以通过在配方中选择特定类型的酸来调整这一点. 

Synthetic ester-based lubricants can also be engineered so that they become safer for water environments, demonstrating low toxicity levels comparable to those of other synthetic esters and certain vegetable oils. And when it comes to the risk of these chemicals building up in living organisms, 多元醇酯可以被调整成不太可能发生这种情况, 使它们成为对地球更安全的选择. The ability to blend high performance and considerations of environmental impact through precise engineering makes polyol ester-based lubricants a standout choice in today's market. 即使列出的好处适用于许多多元醇酯基油, Perstorp still strongly advocates for purpose testing of each substance’s environmental impact with regards to its’ intended application.

Why is strategic sourcing of renewable and recycled raw materials key for lubricant manufacturing?

In the industry’s pursuit of more sustainable lubricants, selecting the right materials is crucial. 在Perstorp, we prioritize materials that not only uphold our product quality but also align with our long-term ambition of becoming Finite Material Neutral. 这涉及到向可再生和可回收原材料的转变, 哪个支持循环经济原则, 减少我们对不可再生资源的依赖, 并降低我们十大正规网堵平台的碳足迹. This strategic material selection is essential for guiding the industry towards more sustainable manufacturing practices and decreasing Scope 3 e任务s. 

These principles are operationalized in the production of our Pro-Environment solutions. 它们基于ISCC PLUS认证的质量平衡方法, 应用物理和化学可追溯性. 这种方法有几个好处:

  • 配方不变: The properties of the building blocks are unchanged and thus continue to support the engineering of high-performing polyol ester-based lubricants.  
  • 灵活的采购: It allows us to shift raw materials in existing production as demand for non-virgin fossil products with low carbon footprint increases.  
  • 信誉: Makes product claims possible since t在这里 is a real traceability and connection from the renewable and recycled raw materials to the polyol ester.


为润滑油行业拥抱可持续增长, 将我们的行动建立在可靠的数据基础上是至关重要的, 尤其是在减排方面. We need to focus on the most impactful e任务 factors that shape the lubricants Product-Carbon Footprint (PCF). 在Perstorp, we welcome this development and stress the importance of using solid PCF methodologies and pursuing primary data. 

The lubricant industry is on the way towards developing a more comprehensive approach towards evaluating the 'handprint' of lubricants, 或者它们在使用过程中的影响, 提供更清晰、更全面的生命周期评估. Here it is once again important that we verify data and align methodologies across value chains. 这种方式, we, 还有整个供应链, can make real progress on the industry’s journey towards reducing the environmental impact and product carbon footprint of lubricants, 在展示避免排放的同时.


应对气候变化不仅仅需要减少排放. Broadening the lubricant industry’s work with sustainability is about taking a comprehensive approach that covers areas such as waste management, 节约用水, 防止森林砍伐, 确保负责任的采购.  

Perstorp is working on embracing this comprehensive approach to sustainability, 例如,设定成为有限材料中立的目标. 作为这段旅程的一部分, 我们还制定了以科学为基础的温室气体减排目标, 以及废物和水的使用目标, 以及(生态)毒性影响. 我们承认,我们的承诺超出了我们的业务范围, 对我们的合作伙伴和客户, recognizing that the sustainable transformation of the entire supply chain is linked to upstream practices. Achieving a significant shift towards sustainable practices requires collaboration across the entire ecosystem of partners, 大家共同努力,制定更可持续的解决方案.

Elisa Swanson-Parback


+46 729 77 98 98


Elisa Swanson-Parback


+46 729 77 98 98
